Fishing Villages

Newfoundland is photographic eye candy.  We’re back on the road today after seeking refuge in a hotel from torrential downpours.  We leave you with a few scenes from the province’s fishing lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “Fishing Villages

  1. It looks lovely, but at the same time sparse, and lonely. The lack of trees speaks to high volumes of wind and rain, and little sunshine, unless the trees have all been cut down. It reminds me of pics I have seen of the Hebrides and other northern latitudes.

    • I should endeavor to include more photos of the dense forests, but yes, it is very sparse and lonely in many places. We have the impression cabin fever runs high in these parts! Most towns are very small and quite distant from one another. Still, everyone we pass has a big hello and love to stop and chat. Just today we stopped to take in a view when the owner of a house wandered over to let us use his footbridge to get better access to snapshots of the islets. Very friendly folk here in Newf’nland.

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