Custer State Park, SD to Blue Mounds State Park, MN

We drove out of Custer State Park wit h closer views of Mt Rushmore and within an hour were in totally different scenery in Badlands National Park. We then had a long drive to cross SD. We did amuse ourselves with some Americana by going to Corn Palace in  Mitchell, SD. We finally crossed the state line  into Minnesota and arrived at dusk at Luverne and pitched tent in the nearby Blue Mounds State Park. Not long after we had a pretty intense laser light show, that is a thunderstorm – see video below

3 thoughts on “Custer State Park, SD to Blue Mounds State Park, MN

  1. I’m very impressed with the narration on the video. Perhaps you can look for some voice over work while Jennifer is studying in Boston.

  2. Wowza, there’s two sides to a coin I suppose. I am stunned by how I couldn’t hear any thunder…was there thunder? It was very very quiet… you could hear crickets…and faintly thunder…

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