

Habari..we’ve been in tanzania for a week now. we have been staying in N’datou a small village outside Arusha in north TZ.

We can see mt meru towering above the village. we start climb it tomorrow and be on the mountain for four days.

During our stay here we volunteered at a local nursery school. The kids are aged two and a half to six and spend three and a half hours there. it is a private school partially sponsored by our outfitter Duma Explorer. They study english, Swahili, math and bible. The local language is amehru but primary instruction is all in swahili. secondary imstruction im TZ is in english.

We taught the kids ‘the hokey pokey’ and ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’ and also worked with them during individual activities. They have very few resources but some kids have made great progress yet others that are stuggling. Even the latter will likely have an advantage over others once in public school.

The children are very sweet and well behaved.


The kids’porigi time.

We have been taken care by Julius who cooked for
us and has been helping us with our swahili.


The village has only one paved road leading to a missionary hospital. Most people grow corn, coffee and bananas as cash crops in addition to other work that they can find.


i am typing this on my phone, so excuse me for being lax on capitalization formatting and spelling. i have some audio files also waiting for posting, but have been struggling with technical difficulties. stay tuned.

tutaonano …. see you later

One thought on “N’datou

  1. Oh the adventures you two are having, it keeps me in a constant state of jealousy. How high is Mt Meru? I am thinking that this will be some more training for Kilimanjaro, yes?

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