Hats Off to Seattle Times

Wednesday morning everybody won.  Everybody except the hatin’ losers, that is.  I’d stayed up through the wee hours of French standard time to watch the general election results come in, and by 6:00 a.m., with the passing of Ref 74, I was extra, extra proud to be from Washington State.  Approval should never have taken as long as it did, and the margin was too close for my comfort, but at last it’s here.  As someone who hisses every time the name is mentioned, I got an especially good chuckle out of the Seattle Times sticking it to the likes of Joseph Backholm’s Preserve Marriage Washington with the paper’s support and endorsement for Washington United for Marriage.  (Read it here:  Editorial: It’s time for Washington voters to approve same-sex marriage)  Poor Backholm whines, “his campaign was up against what he called ‘Washington’s political establishment and news media — with The Seattle Times taking the unprecedented step of not just endorsing the referendum, but of actively campaigning for its approval.'”  Maybe I’ll reconsider a subscription the next time they call…maybe.

Incidentally, for those wondering about France’s position on same-sex marriage, here t’is:  France to legalise gay marriage in 2013

Glad to see I-502 passed. We’ll see what the Feds have in store for its future.

Now, my Washington voting amis, what went wrong with the Eyman initiative???

2 thoughts on “Hats Off to Seattle Times

  1. Though I’m not yet a “voting amie” I’m here to tell you that the Seattle Times owners (the journalists were not asked their opinion) also supported Rob McKenna and heavily campaigned with huge ads for him. I was ready to unsubscribe, but then I really enjoy gettig the news”paper” and when I read that the very own journalists had been against the decision of the owners, I was a little bit at peace again. I got the impression that the journalists tried hard to counterbalance that decision through in depth reporting. In regards to Tim Eyman, I believe that people don’t understand how hard it is to get a super majority even though they might experience it most times in their everyday lives. Strange! The NW is fiscally conservative as well.

  2. Oh, and same sex marriages went into law in Germany Aug.1, 2001 with the exception of tax benefits and no adoption privileges. That was finally added on in 2009.

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